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Yes, the products highlighted on the Estaghni platform primarily originate from local or regional manufacturers. A notation is appended in cases where a product is of foreign origin, following a thorough verification process to ensure its non-allegiance to the Israeli occupation.

Affirmative. Products aligning with the Israeli occupation are categorized into two distinct classes: direct support and indirect support, discerned through a meticulous evaluation of the relationship between the manufacturer/owner and the occupation.

A product garners the designation of a direct supporter of the occupation under the following circumstances:
  • Clear and unequivocal investment or involvement by the occupation in said product.
  • Direct financial backing of the occupation by one of the owners or manufacturers of the product.
  • Ownership by individuals associated with entities renowned for their direct participation in the manufacture and supply of weaponry to the occupation.

No, the country of manufacture in isolation is insufficient for rendering judgment on a product's stance vis-à-vis the occupation. A meticulous examination of the relationship between the owning company and the occupation is imperative.

The "Estaghni Team" diligently followed a methodical process, commencing with the investigation of the country of manufacture and culminating in an examination of the owning company and its ancillary entities. Verification encompassed the following facets:
  • Scrutiny of the owning company's name, the manufacturing entity, and the country of manufacture, ensuring an unequivocal absence of direct or indirect support for the occupation.
  • Examination of the owning company's historical trajectory and its investments in other enterprises, guaranteeing a lack of direct or indirect support for the occupation.
  • Thorough analysis of the political inclinations and investment activities of all owners of the owning company, assuring their non-participation in direct or indirect support for the occupation.

Certainly, the “Estaghni” platform welcomes any additional insights or feedback. Communication with the team is facilitated via email at [email protected]